Sunday, December 3, 2017

Keep Moving Forward

Well, NaNoWriMo2017 is over. One one hand I'm glad that it is done for this year, but on the other hand I'm sad. 

Trying to write a novel in 30 days that has any type of continuity or shape is hard. It's even harder when you don't go in with a specific plan on the novel. I typically don't spend time planning out my writing. This has been a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because I've been able to bang out 50k words in less than 30 days. However, it's a curse because my final product has tons of plot holes, inconsistencies, etc.

I'm sad for the end of NaNo for two reasons. First, is the fact that I will miss the write-ins. Even though no one came to any of the write-ins that I administered, I still got the chance to write. I am not sure if it's the people or me when it comes to the attendance issue. I heard that some of the other scheduled write-ins this year also had minimal to no attendees. This makes me very sad because I enjoy being around others that have the same goal as me - it makes me work harder and provide a good example. Second, is the fact that I may go back to my old ways. As mentioned in my previous Blog post, I get side-tracked on writing very easily. Television, social media, family, car audio, and other interests always seems to pull me away from writing. This is especially true after a long day at work. I work in front of a computer all day and sometimes it is hard for me to want to sit in front of the computer at home just to focus on writing. I often wish there was a magic prayer that would make writing easier for me. 

I joined PennWriters and I am extremely grateful that I did. I have been to two critique sessions so far and I love it. It is very cool to see and be with some amazing and talented writers. I am making new friends and that is another plus. I'm excited to see where this new journey takes me. I am also excited to see what the group thinks of the first chapter of the second book.

Again, I've fallen from my set plans in writing. I tried reading 5 books at the same time to help with my writing skills. I realized the other day that I started skimming the chapters rather than reading and learning the skills presented. I also stopped revising the second novel. I really need to get focused and I'm trying some new things this week. Rather than sitting down to do what needs done when I can, I am going to try a set schedule. I am hoping that this will get me back on track. For this to work, I also need to schedule what I need to do for each night. This will include time to read, write, reflect, etc. 

Well, that's all for now. I am hoping that the new direction will work. I have added time to reflect on my Blog so that current and future readers can get a sense of who I am as a writer - maybe that will help sell some books in the future ;)

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